Wednesday, December 19, 2007

School Project

Dakotah Kidd is doing a NHD (National History Day--I'm not sure if you've heard of it) project on animal testing for cosmetics. I'm (Dakotah) mainly posting for the fabulous prize, but I would also like to say that I have learned a lot in my studies and some of my main resources were the HSUS website. Some of the extreme details may be disturbing, though. I also would gladly like to say that Europe has established a law where by 2010, I believe(this is from memory, I haven't checked my notes), animal testing will be no longer. At least in Europe. But that is still a lot. If anyone would like to hear more about animal testing, you can ask me about it. The image is of a real boycott from years back, almost a decade, I (also) believe.


Kate Reedy said...

This sounds like a very worthwhile project Dakotah. Although it is a difficult subject, it is important for all of us to raise our awareness about how animals are used in labratory testing, and how we can vote with our dollars and REFUSE to support it by purchasing products tested on animals! Nice job you won a prize - to be awarded January 12th

Anonymous Mouse said...

Thanks for learning about my cousins used in cruel and unnecessary cosmetics testing. Makes me glad to be a humble country mouse.

Eimanne said...

It so sad reading the HSUS's website... I'm not buying from the body shop ever again!

Eimanne said...

Hey, I just read this in a Time magazine...

ANITA RODDICK (1942-2007)

It's hard to imagine now, but when Roddick founded the Body Shop in 1976 with the intention of promoting ethical and green consumerism through beauty products, she was considered odd. A former U.N. worker, she drew her ingredients from around the world and fought for causes like ENDING ANIMAL TESTING, developing impoverished communities and protecting human rights. And she did well...

I just thought that was kind of sad, seeing as how she made the body shop to end animal cruelty and now Loreal owns it...