Thursday, December 20, 2007

Holiday Funness

Hi, everyone!
Today, Cookie and I wanted to bake some treats for the dogs at the shelter (of course, being a perfectionist, she wanted to "try" one herself to make sure it was the best, and then bag her "mistakes")
So, we decided to share our ideas so you all can have some fun with your pets, too.

Cookie's Cookie

2 cups flour
1/2 cup cooking oats
1 jar (6.5 oz) veggie or meat baby food
2 eggs
Extra flour

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Process the oats through a food processor. Mix together the ground oats and half of the flour with the baby food. Mix in the eggs, and then add the rest of the flour. Add extra flour if needed until the dough is fairly stiff. Sprinkle flour onto a cutting board and toss the dough on it a few times while spreading it out (sprinkle more flour as dough becomes sticky)
Cut dough into shapes of choice and place onto sprayed cookie sheet.
Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until biscuits are lightly browned.

Snow Where to Hide-away
(I know, I know. Bad pun.)(kitty/rodent toy)

Medium to large box
Wrapping paper
Duct tape (or other)
Cotton balls (or other)

First, decorate the box with wrapping paper (don't wrap it shut). Create hanging toys by threading the string, using the needle, through the cotton balls(or others) and thread the other end through the top of the box(The top of the side;leave the flaps facing outward) and tie.
Now fold the flaps of the box down (Two of the shorter flaps and one of the larger ones) leaving a small hole and tape them together.
Cut the corners of the box out and tape the pieces that you cut off back over the corners loosely as smacking holes (if this is for a cat. Otherwise, leave the holes uncovered).
There! You're done! (unless you wish to decorate further =))


Eimanne said...

good recipe, I'm glad it worked. I tried making cat treats one time and they didn't come out right...

Anonymous said...

You should remember that cats are naturally carnivores. As in, they don't have many sweet taste buds (corn products and animal milk are two of the exceptions)
Flour---whether it is flavored with meat/cheese or not, virtually remains tasteless to cats.
Salt, milk, and corn meal are some things that cats like, but they are not good for them (Cats are lactose intolerant, while corn meal is hard for them to digest)

Homemade cat treats aren't a big deal to cats, but if you wish to make some they don't require anything more complex than say, tuna. Try blending some tuna or chicken with a stronger flavor of baby food, like squash or beef, and then cook it on a frying pan for a few minutes. A treat like this gives flavor that they can taste, while it is actually healthy for them, too.

Kate Reedy said...

I was just reading that oats are super good for dogs in my 'Natural Health for Dogs and Cats' book. I think I'll give this recipe a try for Scrappie! Nice job with your post Monet, you are contest winner #3!