Saturday, March 22, 2008

Educate Your Pets

This is my kitty, Rory.

Actually, this was her like 3 years ago but I just got around to checking out my memorycard, so now I'm just reminding everyone to...

Educate your pets. They'll never have the joy of reading like this if you don't.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Furry Friends Skate Day

Helloooo, Everyone! I just wanted to tell you all about the Furry Friends Skate Day! (again) It's a skate day at the Lynnwood Ice Center with silent auction and Max Mobile! tickets are $10 including skate rental, if anybody needs tickets E-mail me at I can bring some to our next HTC meeting, if you have tickets or money from tickets sold, and you know you can't sell anymore, please bring them to the meeting so I can collect them. If you wanted to help out, and don't want to sell tickets, then help spread the word and send this pre-written E-mail to everyone you know!

Hey guys,

The Humane Teen Club, which is a part of the Seattle Humane Society, is presenting Furry Friends Skate Day and Silent Auction. It takes place on Saturday, February 23rd from 3:30-5:30 at the Lynnwood Ice Center, 9803 68th Ave West Lynnwood, WA 98036 (just south of 196th street). Tickets are $10 each, and that includes admission and skate rental. All of the proceeds go to the Seattle Humane Society. Tickets can be bought at the door, but I do have a few availible for pre-order, which means you won't be standing in line waiting. Buisnesses around the Edmonds/Shoreline/Lake Forest Park areas have donated items for the silent auction (including a pound of fudge!). All the auction proceeds benefit the Seattle Humane Society. The Max Mobile will also be there displaying animals that are available for adoption from the Humane Society! Bring friends, parents, and siblings for two hours filled with skating for a great cause. It would be great, whether or not you can make it, if you all could forward this email to everyone you know who lives in the area! Thanks, and hope to see you there!

P.S. If any of you are unfamiliar with the Seattle Humane Society, it is a "...private, nonprofit dedicated to bringing people and pets together...friendship is forever. Our life-saving work is made possible through the generosity of people who care." check out the website at

Hope to see you there!

Thanks for helping so much everybody!

Eimanne El Zein

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday 1-12-08 Dog Handling

Hello all its Brooke here!

In the meeting we watched a presentation of dog handling and body language. What this last meeting showed you will come in very handy when you start to volunteer in the shelter after the humane teen club. Aside form the presentation you got to practice taking out some of the dogs we have in our shelter. Even though I know that some of you had been around lots of dogs before I think it was a great practice to have with some of our shelter dogs. The shelter dogs can be very different then some of you dogs at home, the shelter environment is very stressful and can change the way a dog acts, so even though you may the best at handling you own dog, the shelter dogs can be very different, but I do know that practice makes perfect! I would love to hear about some of the things you guys learned about dog handling from meeting!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Max Mobile at the Seahawks Game

Wow! The crowd at the Seahawks game was amazing! There were so many people, all dressed in Blue and Green. Quite a few stopped by to check out the Max Mobile. It was so funny hearing the people walk by because they all had a collective sigh of "oooh! Look at all the cute animals!" None were adopted, but how many people go to watch a football game and bring home a cat? Some people did however pick up directions to the shelter and we got A LOT of donations. Overall it was good, even though we couldn't feel our feet and fingers! It was worth it.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

I know I post a lot of blogs, but it's been a good year and I'm wondering if you have any resolutions you want to share? Mine are... spread the word about fostering, make my service project a success (don't know if that counts), and well all that good New Year's stuff. Oh just by the by if you want to vote for my rattie again (wink, wink ;) just follow the link! The Agile Rat

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Happy Holidays everybody! I just got back from a short vacation in Leavenworth and wanted to show you all this picture of Ringo, my sled dog. There was so much snow up there! How was your holiday? Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Hey, its Amybeth. I created a myspace promoting dog adoptions from at the shelter. The URL is:
If you could spread the word about my site it would be greatly appreciated.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

happy holidays

just wishing everyone happy holidays!!!!!!!!

Holiday Funness

Hi, everyone!
Today, Cookie and I wanted to bake some treats for the dogs at the shelter (of course, being a perfectionist, she wanted to "try" one herself to make sure it was the best, and then bag her "mistakes")
So, we decided to share our ideas so you all can have some fun with your pets, too.

Cookie's Cookie

2 cups flour
1/2 cup cooking oats
1 jar (6.5 oz) veggie or meat baby food
2 eggs
Extra flour

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Process the oats through a food processor. Mix together the ground oats and half of the flour with the baby food. Mix in the eggs, and then add the rest of the flour. Add extra flour if needed until the dough is fairly stiff. Sprinkle flour onto a cutting board and toss the dough on it a few times while spreading it out (sprinkle more flour as dough becomes sticky)
Cut dough into shapes of choice and place onto sprayed cookie sheet.
Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until biscuits are lightly browned.

Snow Where to Hide-away
(I know, I know. Bad pun.)(kitty/rodent toy)

Medium to large box
Wrapping paper
Duct tape (or other)
Cotton balls (or other)

First, decorate the box with wrapping paper (don't wrap it shut). Create hanging toys by threading the string, using the needle, through the cotton balls(or others) and thread the other end through the top of the box(The top of the side;leave the flaps facing outward) and tie.
Now fold the flaps of the box down (Two of the shorter flaps and one of the larger ones) leaving a small hole and tape them together.
Cut the corners of the box out and tape the pieces that you cut off back over the corners loosely as smacking holes (if this is for a cat. Otherwise, leave the holes uncovered).
There! You're done! (unless you wish to decorate further =))

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

School Project

Dakotah Kidd is doing a NHD (National History Day--I'm not sure if you've heard of it) project on animal testing for cosmetics. I'm (Dakotah) mainly posting for the fabulous prize, but I would also like to say that I have learned a lot in my studies and some of my main resources were the HSUS website. Some of the extreme details may be disturbing, though. I also would gladly like to say that Europe has established a law where by 2010, I believe(this is from memory, I haven't checked my notes), animal testing will be no longer. At least in Europe. But that is still a lot. If anyone would like to hear more about animal testing, you can ask me about it. The image is of a real boycott from years back, almost a decade, I (also) believe.