Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Your Turn to Post

OK gang, I've got you started. Now you all take it from here. You should have all received an email inviting you to contribute to the blog. If you didn't receive this email, let me know. I hereby officially turn this blog over to YOU! I will continue to post photos from our meetings and events, but you are all now officially the blog masters. If you respond to your invitation to contribute from the email I sent you, set up a google account as directed, you too can post entries to this site. Post a photo of you with your pet and tell us something funny about them, post a pik of you doing your service project, or post an entry about an animal welfare topic of interest to you that you would like some dialogue about. The first five people to make a posting on the site will win fabulous prizes from the Seattle Humane Society Retail store!


Eimanne said...

a posting as in a comment or an open blog? I will make a blog.

Anonymous Mouse said...

Great! Now this blog should get much more interesting!